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Holocaust Deniers.

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saintpeter48 | 13:33 Fri 28th Jan 2022 | ChatterBank
65 Answers
Just listening to the Jeremy Vine show on Radio 2 and there was a piece on holocaust deniers, are there really still people around that believe that the holocaust didn't happen, are there any on AB that think this way?


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I agree AH. I think any and all deniers are essentially insane or incredibly stupid. That's being generous. If they're not insane or stupid then they must be bad peoplewith evil intent.

Good try to link this to the Labour Party, but most deniers are far right fascists like Irving.
It is a great shame that a people who have been oppressed for several centuries turn out to be abusers of Palestinians.
(Obviously not the Israeli people, but the muppets they elect.
//Most deniers are far right fascists//

Far more deniers come from the Muslim world:
Roy, Whoopi Goldberg has apologised. I think she had no option. Funny how some black people only see racism when it applies to them.

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