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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:37 Thu 03rd Feb 2022 | ChatterBank
88 Answers
morning, Thursday already, the time is flying by, i hope that you are all in fine fettle, and that the day is a good one for you. Any particular plans for today?


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Good day, - or if you're in Australia, G'day! I I have learnt this morning ** that in the ancient Japanese calendar, each of the 4 seasons is divided into six 'sekki', which themselves are split into 3, giving a yearly total of 72 microseasons or 'ko'.

They have rather nice names these microseasons, eg. "Plums turn yellow" and "Bears start hibernating in their dens"

On my morning walk I decided that this one here is, "Pussy-willow blooming along the river bank". :o)

** Review of a book entitled; 'Light Rains Sometimes Fall'.
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morning Margo
Question Author
morning Khandro,
Question Author
thanks for the reassurance Margo, i hope you are right....
Morning all, from grumpy of Brum... Supposed to go down to the weekly coffee morning later, not sure if I will get there though. One bit of advice Emmie, take your pain killers just before you go. Staying still for about 20 mins can make you stiffen up.
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morning Rowan
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i haven't any pain killers, none that work at any rate, and yes that is what's happening if i sit/lie too long i stiffen up.
Explain this to the person who does your scan, they sometimes have different positioning options, I had a dodgy ones done with a small sandbag under it which was a less painful option.

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Good Morning Early Birds

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