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Not Sure Which Category

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lankeela | 00:09 Fri 04th Feb 2022 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
this should be in - News - TV - so opted for CB. The BBC News Channel - I wonder how much it costs to have a studio in Singapore where they broadcast Newsday from at 11 pm each night? Is it good value for the licence fee?


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Unsure if this will provide any answers for you, but in my view for the few pence a dat the Licence costs, I think overall we et value for money.
they do Asian Business report there as well, plus the usual news gathering from the region. This seems to be the newsroom

but they also have interview rooms, canteen and so forth, like other similar-sized operations. I suppose they could report everything from a garden shed, but it wouldn't do much for British prestige abroad.
Here we go again - bash the BBC which has the smallest budget of all the channels.

Joe Public has little option but to fund them all, but the BBC is a nice soft target for the cowardly.

In spite of the paucity of its funds, the BBC still manages to produce some magnificent programmes.

I also suspect a Singapore studio is cheaper than Salford.

But the usual blinkers will be used by those who don't want the facts if they don't suit their agenda.

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