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1 In 5 Pensioners Are Millionaires.

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johnny.5 | 13:51 Fri 04th Feb 2022 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
how can we get their money off them and back into society ?


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//how can we get their money off them and back into society ? //

Blimmin cheek! It's their money - not yours. Keep your mitts off!
//how can we get their money off them and back into society ? //

Where is J. Edgar Hoover when you need him (and yes I know he is dead for the hard of thinking).
Question Author
is He related to James Dyson ?
Haha;-) Thanks for the laugh Johnny.
//But I do not want to lose what I think I have been paying into all my life//

What makes you think that relieving "millionaire" pensioners of their wealth will prevent that (any more than anything else will)? If anybody is to be relieved of the perks you mention it will be the "wealthy" pensioners first. If you have retired "in comfort" you may well be among those to have your wealth curtailed because there is some confusion among many politicians between the terms "comfortable" and "wealthy" - especially when it comes to pensioners.

On another tack, what makes you think that the money and assets that pensioners hold are not "in society"? Are pensioners not part of society? Have you really thought this through?
Maybe some people have worked harder than you a lot more than you obviously. Hehe.
no marks for effort
( hard work doesnt always give rise to weallth)
I find this suggestion quite offensive to be honest. I worked from the age of 16 to 64, and whatever I have, I have earned. I can only hope that this person was joking.
I might count as a millionaire but only because my humble flat is in suburban London and would cost a lot to buy. (It cost a five-figure sum when I bought it, but thanks to Thatcher disrupting the housing market with her right to buy...) But if I sold it and took the money I wouldn't be able to find anywhere cheaper to move to this side of the Midlands.
I’m probably a millionaire, as are a number of people on AB I would imagine, if you take into account properties, vehicles, savings and investments. I make no apologies and have no intention of changing anything.
That’s life, innit??

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