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Regretted, We Hear, It’s Naughty!

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satprof | 05:53 Sun 06th Feb 2022 | Quizzes & Puzzles
20 Answers
Sunday Express Alphapuzzle cryptic clue for today.


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so rude
05:54 Sun 06th Feb 2022
rued, rude
so rude
Which one Em?
I'm going rude.
But could be rued.
I don't know, so confusing.
rude.. it naughty...
I've just made a decision!
yes 1ozzy...
But it could go the other way.
Regretted could be the definition.
So much confusion in my mind.
Woe is me
still think it's rude.
Me too, but I'm not convinced.
see what satprof says...
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I can only see two 4-letter grid positions and one of them is impossible. The other looks as if it ends with E, so ‘rude’.

BA goes to emmie, especially for being so bright this early in the morning.

Still half-asleep myself, this has been posted in News instead of Quizzes. Does anyone know if the thread can be transferred?
only the ED, Spare Ed can move threads i believe.
Rued could also be possibly correct.
I hate double definition crossword clues, I'll always go for the wrong one.
I've just been proved correct.
Well done Em.
And there was me thinking it was Johnson’s apology …
slightly late in answering lol
It could only be "rude". If it was "rued", there would be no second comma ...
just don't rue your decision
Regretted we hear is naughty. Alphapuzzle today. Answer is RUDE .. 4,13,6,15. Q is 22 and Z is 7. Satprof wasn't listed earlier.

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Regretted, We Hear, It’s Naughty!

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