Agree, M, though i couldn't play it when my youngest daughter (then aged about 13 month) was in the house. She would just scream the place down! Yet as soon as i took it off the turntable, the tears would magically disappear?
Ah, the delectable Kate Bush with her unusual voice and bizarre videos - a refreshing burst on to the Pop scene in the 70s. Not to mention her song-writing like this . . . . .
. . . . . to become the first female artist to achieve a UK number one with a self-written song. I loved her (figuratively that is).
Have to return briefly to apologise - i only listened to the first couple of minutes of that and didn't realise that after he has finished the song, he goes into a politically motivated rant in which the 'f' bomb is ever present:-((
Once again, night all.