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If A Storm Surge Forced Water Back Up The Bristol Channel Is...

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sandyRoe | 22:11 Thu 17th Feb 2022 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
...there any danger of flooding in the city?


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it's a spring tide tomorrow morning!!

July 10 1968, and about two months of rainfall fell in less than two days. Around 3,000 properties were flooded and eight people died in Bristol and the surrounding areas in what became known as the Great Flood. In the city, 24 buses were abandoned around the streets.

Whether this will prove to be of the same ilk, we shall see.....
My guess is not unless it created tsunami high waves.
I guess it depends on how high above sea level the city is sited ?
Question Author
Hope there's no flooding. There are docks so some parts of Bristol must be fairly low lying.
Interesting thesis: he takes a storm surge as half a wave - like a radio wave with the zoop up.

Earlier ones take it as the wind blowing the water in shore along a straight coast. 1913 - and the size is dependent on wind speed of course, angle of blow ( cosine of the angle of attack) and surprisingly the stright length of the coast it is blowing on
( longer length, gtr surge)

Gang-Shao Xu treats it a bit like a tsunami ( one half of a radio wave)

me? oh if it rains on a town, you will get flooding

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