(From a site moderator):
Welcome to The Answerbank.
Unfortunately, to the best of my knowledge, we don't currently have any IT professionals regularly posting here, so this might not be the best place to ask your question. Seeking out a relevant forum on Stack Exchange might be more likely to provide you with the type of answers that you're seeking:
(Stack Overflow is probably your best bet there, in my opinion).
I'm always a bit wary of websites that invite you to submit your company email address in order to receive some sort of a report but, while still bearing that in mind, this
might be of interest to you:
This could also be relevant:
Otherwise you could, perhaps, seek out information on the official NetSuite forum
or on one of these two independent alternatives
Despite this not being the type of direct answer that you're seeking, I hope that something I've posted here will be of use to you. Good luck in your quest for information and, indeed, in your career!