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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:47 Mon 21st Feb 2022 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
morning, Monday and the start of the working week for some, i hope that you are in good health, if not you have my sympathy, and that your day is a good one. Do you have any thing planned for today? I only have my online shop to sort out, and that's it for the day. Such an exciting life i lead, sigh....


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yesterday the Franklin winds here were stronger than Eunice...though the north coast got hit quite badly....still at nearly 40mph gusting 50
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morning Dtc
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lets hope they all die down soon, and that no more people get hurt.
morning Paddy DT xx Oz xx
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evening 1ozzy
OH mingling best get on see you later..stay safe ! xx
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you too Minty, have a good day
Have a good one, minty xx
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how are you dtc ?
awake and that's about it. Looking at chores and maybe a trip to Truro-Falmouth but that is likely to be tomorrow. Haven't got my vouchers for the DT in yet which is very annoying, holding on for a little while to see if the postie arrives. Might just brew up some coffee.....
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so a slowish day - bit like me,
Could do with one....
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i would much rather be out and about, but the pain prevails and that's stopping me from doing much at all.
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much to my annoyance
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looks like it's gone quiet, i hope your day is a good one, stay safe.
and you emmie, the sooner you get this sorted out the better. I would really push for an early surgery date if this is the route out of this. Obviously, I don't know your finances but could you go private if it was a 'reasonable' cost.....just with the NHs backlog...keyhole shouldn't be too bad.

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