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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:31 Fri 04th Mar 2022 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
morning, Friday and the working week is mostly over for some of you. I hope that you are all in good health, if not then you have my fullest sympathy, and that your day is a good one, do you have anything planned for today.


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morning Minty
Morning minty xx
very wet and dreich here !
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i think it's on its way, very dull and grey at the moment.
mornIng DT xx hope mater is over her wee escapade
well it will take 48 hours me thinks - there was no bruising either....
Good morning everybody.
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morning Paddy
Hi people
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morning RR
morning Paddy xx
oh prowling so best go see you later xx
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see you later Minty.

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Good Morning Early Birds

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