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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 05:44 Tue 08th Mar 2022 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
morning, Tuesday and the week is going by fast, i hope that you are all as well as can be, and that your day is a good one. do you have anything planned for today?


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on the basis that if I sit doon too long I may not get back up ! lol... more to the point if I don't do it then nobody else will !
Time to go. Bye all. Take care and have a good day.
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true, i can't do much at all right now, which is very frustrating with the pain has come the depression and some apathy.
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bye LJ, have a good day
Good Morning
One And All
And Isn't It
A Beautiful Morning ?

Am I Right ?
I'm Not Wrong !
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morning Johnny, you may be right...
byeee lady j xx

morning Johnny xx
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perhaps your o/h could help you Minty, with your plans
Morning all, a Truro and Falmouth expedition awaits me today.....
morning DT xx
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morning Dtc,
not a huge amount to report from here - will go and see what the state of the nation is in Falmouth...!
oh has appeared so best get on..have a nice day xx
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bye for now Minty, have a good and safe day
Good morning everybody.
Bye minty xx

Morning paddy

And time for me to swing into action, so have a good one all.
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morning Paddy
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have a good day dtc,
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gone quiet, so i will take my leave for now, hope you have a
lovely day - stay safe.

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Good Morning Early Birds

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