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As S T N G Has Been Brought Up In Another Thread........

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ToraToraTora | 17:13 Fri 11th Mar 2022 | ChatterBank
22 Answers
Time to lighten the atmosphere with a quiz.....Connections
What are the connections, actors and/or characters, between STNG and these films and TV Shows, there may be more answers than the ones I have in mind.
1) The A-Team
2) Mash
3) Independence Day
4) Moby Dick
5) Better Call Saul
6) Born Free
7) Sister Act
8) The Time Bandits
9) Stand by Me
10) The Big Bang Theory


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Gromit 13:11, "The most toys" is one of my favourite episodes, Kivas Fajo is played by Saul Rubinek.
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As S T N G Has Been Brought Up In Another Thread........

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