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Airgun Sights

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ukanonymous | 12:45 Sun 13th Mar 2022 | Sport
15 Answers
Hello peepsies. We are trying to sort out a red dot sight on an air gun. Anyway we centered it and then it only is accurate for the same distance we set it at. Is that right?

Are there any sights which are accurate that are not dependant on how far away you are and how far away you set it? Thanksies


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Surely it can only ever be accurate for the distance you set it at.

Air guns are not particularly powerful, so the pellet will not travel parallel to the ground. It will gently arc towards the ground.
Question Author
No idea about the distance. All I know is we found an air pistol on the legal limit and its super powerful. So basically you set the sights for 10 meters and they are only accurate to that distance? Thanks.
I wonder if this would work...
Load and cock the gun, then secure it tightly in (eg) a B&D Workmate, set up a large target, eg a sheet of plywood, fire the gun then align the red dot on the hole that the pellet makes.
I know nothing about sights or rifles but does adjusting the sight change the angle of the sight?

If so, changing the distance must mean the angle of the sight has to change so that straight lines drawn from it and the barrel would intersect at the new target.
If the laser could measure the distance to the target and then calculate the angle to aim at to allow for the drop of the slug as it flies through the air, then it might give you a good result.
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Googlewerenohelp that's what we did and when you change distance it never works... that was with a red dot sight. I want to know if any sights are available that you don't have to care about distance away. I was wondering if a halo red dot sight does this as its all reflection etc? Or do every single gun sight have to be adjusted by distance away... I tried googling but I am still lost lolsies
Question Author
Sorry the 1st red dot when I said I meant LAZER.
I suspect that google would do a much more thorough search than AB. I recommend that you do that, preferably avoiding the sort of language you use here. Best wishes.
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I tried Google and failed lolsies. That's why I am here. I was hoping to find a keep gun slinging cowboy type with leather chaps and long barrel. Gun barrel that is hehe
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But if you use iron sights then basically these are for all distances just the more far away you aim higher fro the drop in the pellet right? I'm trying to be a sniper we have a terrible fox problem. We put tin cans around the garden and when the fox xomes we shoot the pans to scare him off. It works.
There are many different 'iron sights':
The type used on older military rifles has usually had a rear ladder sight, calibrated with settings for different ranges:
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So even iron sights are set for a specific distance. We'll I didn't think that. I am a bit confudled I must admit. My dad taught me how to shoot an air pistol with just normal fixed sights and there was no mention of distance. I did once kill a bird and was so upset I couldn't eat for days.
Your sights are calibrated for a certain distance, beyond which the weapon becomes inaccurate. Rather than adjusting the sights for each differing distance, adjust your aim. If set at 10m, and pellet drops by 2 inches at 15m, aim 2 inches higher than your target, and so on. The more you do this, the more it will become 2nd nature and, providing you stay within the effective distance of the air-rifle, you ought to have more success than failure. I think :-)
I'm just glad you're aiming at cans for fox sake.

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