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Today`s Highlight

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queencharlotte | 12:37 Wed 16th Mar 2022 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Just cleaned the lav, but I expect the rest of the day will be a bit mundane


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sudden emergency charlotte, can't make afternoon tea this week
12:52 Wed 16th Mar 2022
if that job gives you a thrill you're welcome to come and clean mine
No ***
Awe crap.
my new toy is a silicon toilet brush ,it's flat and comes with a wall holder ,much easier to keep clean than a brush x
God damm Mally, a kite is so much more fun, as long as the wind is happening.
thanks mally, you've just sorted doris's birthday present
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Thank you Mallyh - sounds a bit posh. I just flush then put my hand in with a teatowel and clean the bowl that way. After, of course, especially if baking, I wipe my hands on my skirt.
Got a link mally?
I'll gift one to queencharlotte ;)

Though I'd like one myself.
A tea towel?
Note to self.
Do not accept an invitation to dinner from queencharlotte.
sudden emergency charlotte, can't make afternoon tea this week
good to know you have nice clean hands for cooking lol x
ael Doris will be flushed with excitment but you won't be allowed visitors in hospital x
pasta it's the Ekmon silicon toilet brush x
ozzy i just can't clean my loo with a kite it gets caught under the rim x
I didn't realise the nobility even knew where the toilet was .
I thought they have a servant go to the loo for them
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One`s Royal Arsisstant`s day orff
Only one of them, what about the other three?

There's always arguments as to who left the skidmark in our house but I'm only allowed in the downstairs lavvy, the other three are for her!
queen with your high standard of cleanliness i think you should start up a cleaning company lol x

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