Electric Carving Knife in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Electric Carving Knife

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jennyjoan | 08:46 Fri 18th Mar 2022 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Gave my last away about 4 weeks ago after being in a cupboard for some years. I found it too hard to push down on the meat. Anybody know of a good electric knife that doesn't need elbow power. Thanks
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I've had mine over 30 years and use it regularly. I've never had to push down on the meat. It's a Kenwood
I went into a shop and I said, ‘Can someone sell me an Electric carving Knife , The bloke said ‘Kenwood?’ I said, ‘Where is he?'”
Is it the fact that you were pushing down on the blade that affected its performance?
Surely with an electric knife you don't have to use elbow power. I also have a Kenwood and it just glides through the meat. Maybe you are not using it correctly
Or your meat is tough.
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my meat is to die for - absolutely melts - perhaps too tender. Anyway am looking at the idea of a meat slicer instead.

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Electric Carving Knife

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