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University Grant

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OldChestNuts | 12:51 Wed 30th Mar 2022 | Jobs & Education
6 Answers
A single parent friend is trying to find out if his son will be able to afford to go to university in 2 years time. So the son and mum is trying to make a decision whether he should continue his education or find a job. His mum is unable to support him as she is struggling to work full time due to child care of the younger daughter.
The mum understands that the tuition will be available as loans, but are there any more help for his son like living expenses and accommodation if he lives away from home during study. How much financial help will he gets?


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Start here but, in particular, see the 'Check if you can get extra help' bit (including the 'Find out about extra help' link within it):

UCAS is also an excellent source of information:
Question Author
Thanks. Useful links.
Looks like the child will be eligible student maintenance loan of about £8000 a year. I guess this won't be enough for accommodation and living expenses. No wonder the poor family can't afford to go to university. I think the child need to study part time and work part time if he wish to go to university.
Whether he goes to university or not he has to decide whether to live at home or try to afford somewhere to live.
I wouldnt worry about the loan aspect--- its not really a loan as some never have to pay a penny and most never repay in full, repayments only start if he gets to earn over around £27400pa
Question Author
Has the Maintenance Grant stopped?
2 years is a long time off. As far as i know, children need to stay in education or apprentice training till they are 18 nowadays don't they?
Has the Maintenance Grant stopped?


There's now just a Maintenance Loan:

>>> 2 years is a long time off

Yes, Bednobs, but if the son is currently in Year 11 (about to take his GCSEs), he'll need to be thinking about his potential university options not that long after he gets into Year 12, as he'll need to submit his applications to UCAS during his first term in Year 13. (The deadline to apply for entry into university is during the preceding January).

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University Grant

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