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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:32 Wed 30th Mar 2022 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
morning, Wednesday, midweek already, where does the time go. I hope that you are in good health, and that your day is a pleasant one. Do you have any plans for the day? I have nothing in the calendar.


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morning Dtc
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the matter was passed to the patient transport supervisor, by the operator i spoke with, i can only phone consultant today and see what they can offer.
anyway, I'm off to Trurra for a quick shop this morning and then to Camborne as we have a meter engineer coming into change the so-called smart meter out as it has gone kaput though the tricity still can flow. It's been turned off since the shop was vacated, bar 3 days for roof repair and, as such, has become a bit of a contentious bone between ourselves and Total....they claim we owe them £1500, calculated laughably by estimates, we're saying probably £5-10 plus the standing charges. Apparently the engineer can get at the meter read, so hopefully the start of resolution today. The appointment is for 10.15 but could be earlier as he has a warrant closure to do first in Hayle which may or may not happen if the responsible agrees a solution with the supplier overnight. How long in Camborne, a good question as it could be 15 mins if a simple fix or 90 minutes if he replaces it...the one thing is that the meter is very easy to get at. Oh, I know it's shocking - now to get my shopping list prepped and back in 5.
I'd still nail someone at the top to get the mattress bouncing for you.
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good luck with that dtc, hope it works out.
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i will do as you suggest.
so do I and no glitches....may go onto see my sister for lunch if things work out - they're off to France on Friday. Can't see the Mater, still verboten territory what with the Covid in there.
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hope your mater is ok, and that you get together sooner than later.
Good luck in nailing the appointment.....

Here's a page that has the head honco-ess's e-mail...
she's fine as are the others, just one down and that's only with a cough.
Ok, time for me to be getting out of here and 'on the road'......have a good one all.
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have a good day Dtc, stay safe...
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weather looks a bit crook today, not that im going out....
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i am off for now, so i hope you have a good day, stay safe.
I Know

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