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Chippy Tea?

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Ken4155 | 10:33 Sun 03rd Apr 2022 | ChatterBank
44 Answers
Just listening to local radio and they have the chairman of the National Fish Fryers Association on at the moment. He is actually saying that the price of a portion of fish 'n' chips could soon rise to as much as a tenner!
He gives the reasons as "a knock-on from the pandemic, the rise in the price of fuel to run the fishing boats and the rise in VAT". He also warns that many 'chippies' will be lost.
I remember a time when a chippy tea was considered a cheap (and cheerful) Friday tea. Can't recall the last time i actually bought fish 'n' chips, but i do know that it will be a long, long time before i do so again.
A tenner!!


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I don't have fish and chips that often, but when I do I always order halibut. The local store serves a decent size piece of halibut with a thin coating of tasty batter and lots of chips for the equivalent of 6.50 pounds.
It's a tenner down here to begin with in many places, the cheapest abot 8 and we're swimming in fish around three sides of the Duchy.
The next day I cover the left-over chips with a wet paper towel and microwave them for 10-15 seconds...They're great on sandwiches.
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My ex used to like dragonfish. A tad crappie in my opinion:-J

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