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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:36 Wed 13th Apr 2022 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
morning, Wednesday already, where do the days go. I hope that you are all in good health and that your day is a good one, do you have anything planned for today?
I have a friend popping over for a coffee and a natter later, so that will be nice.


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morning chip, take care too

its trying to be sunny, will see later...
morning Chip, no sign of the yellow ball down here and not likely to be for a a while.
oh up so best get on..have a nice day folks xx
Have a good day, minty. May as well sign-off too as I'm leaving in 7 minutes..a 25-30 minute drive to Trurra at this time of day. Have a good one, all.
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bye Minty, Dtc, have a good day...stay safe
Good morning everybody.
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morning Paddy
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time for a shower, back shortly....
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most of the chores are done, and now i can relax for the rest of the morning.

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