Politics5 mins ago
Where Was I
6 Answers
Slender monument commemorating a departure, 3.5 miles from a flour mill and close to another monument to a departure nearby.
https:// www. thetimes. co. uk/ travel/ where- was- i/ The slender monument commemoratin g the successful departure in 1620: https://hist oricengland. org.uk/servi ces-skills/e ducation/edu cational-ima ges/pilgrim- fathers-memo rial-southam pton-6346 Tonight is the 110th anniversary of the night that the voyage of the second departure came to...
20:34 Thu 14th Apr 2022
https:/ /www.th etimes. co.uk/t ravel/w here-wa s-i/
The slender monument commemorating the successful departure in 1620:
https:/ /histor icengla nd.org. uk/serv ices-sk ills/ed ucation /educat ional-i mages/p ilgrim- fathers -memori al-sout hampton -6346
Tonight is the 110th anniversary of the night that the voyage of the second departure came to a horrifically premature end, commemorated here:
https:/ /www.ti tanic.m emorial /post/m emorial /titani c+memor ial+sto ne+sout hampton /
The slender monument commemorating the successful departure in 1620:
Tonight is the 110th anniversary of the night that the voyage of the second departure came to a horrifically premature end, commemorated here: