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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:31 Mon 25th Apr 2022 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
morning, Monday already and the working week starts here for some of you, i hope that you are all as well as can be and that your day is a pleasant one, do you have any plans for today?


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generally i am like that, head on pillow and out cold for a few hours.
The interrogation is complete.

Storage places hate me!

Some sort of random Shepards Pie tonight.

I'm so gourmet;-)
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sounds nice, shepherds pie, filling and appetising.
One of my favourite meals.
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i have risotto with sweet and sour sauce for dinner later.
Good morning all
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morning DAnny
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did you get rid of your bad headache Danny
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looks like today is going to be nice weather wise....
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gone quiet so will head for the shower, have a good day all, stay safe.
Best of luck later today emmie. I hope some progress gets made.

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Good Morning Early Birds

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