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Tilly2 | 19:46 Sun 01st May 2022 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
For the first time ever, I didn't get today's Wordle!


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Accept it, Tilly2. Senility has finally won the battle ;-)
Took me 6 tilly. . .I was getting good. .. 3 or 4 regular but not today... I don t like the ones that use today's 'trick'
I got the wordle but failed to get the fourth word in Quordle.

I do Byrdle too but do not always get the answer right, they use words that I don't know.
It too me to the 5th line, an odd word today...
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Those double letters are a pain!
Bobbinwales "today's 'trick" - what's that?
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The use of the same letter twice, I think, Wolf.
I got it in 5. Yesterday they used the A twice, today the O twice, so tomorrow ...?
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I do enjoy doing it but it can be frustrating!
4 for me
The only time I didn't get it was when the answer was 'fewer'
Got it in 4 today but I was lucky that I got the first letter on row 2.
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Getting the first letter is always helpful, Milo.
Took me five Tilly, and you're right, the double letters can be a real pain.

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