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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:28 Tue 03rd May 2022 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
Morning, Tuesday already, I hope that you are all as well as can be and that your day is a pleasant one, do you have anything planned for today?


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Good Morning One And All And Isn't It A Beautiful Morning ? Am I Right ? I'm Not Wrong !
04:31 Tue 03rd May 2022
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sweet dreams Minty, hope you feel better soon.
I could do with more sleep as well, quality sleep not quantity...too much waking up last night as in 4 times.
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not good dtc, i could say the same, but hey ho, i shall probably have a sleep later if i can.
Crumbs it was hard getting up this morning !
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morning Bednobs
as the bishop said to the actress
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Morning bedknobs
Morning all. We had a weekend away in London and I find travelling knackring
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did you enjoy it though..
Mainly. Nice hotel, nice area, great show. My husband had a family emergency after the first night so had to come home sadly
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that's a shame, what did you go and see at the theatre.
Wicked. We had a spare ticket, so just had an empty seat next to us
that's a shame bednobs - hope all is ok.
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i haven't seen it but heard it was a good show.
Okay - local soupermarket 'ere I come..... it's a bit of a weird shop, light brown sugar, sesame oil, ginger root, red chillis for a prawn or crab - if I can get fresh crab nearby - noodle dish for supper.
have a good one all
Question Author
sounds delicious dtc, happy shopping.
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as it's gone quiet i shall bid you adieu, and hope you have a splendid day, stay safe.

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Good Morning Early Birds

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