// You have probably done your body a favour by giving it a miss//
you probably havent
Mrs Cheese is an anti-vaccine troll
80 000 pages of piffle on how it doesnt work - she says
Hey Mrs Cheese - 186 000 dead people and now none - all because of vaccine. we know this because the unvaccinated still croak
I have read some of the internet - huge amount on vaccine and long covid but not in the right order
The advice to give it a miss is based on YOU giving covid to the vaccinators
I thought they had vaccinated long covids and followed up the results. They have. benefit seen
"The association between Covid-19 vaccination and long Covid in people who already had it before the vaccine. They found that the first vaccine was associated with an initial 13% decrease in the likelihood of self-reported long Covid, although it’s not clear from the data whether this was a lasting improvement or if symptoms returned after an initial improvement. "
I have different facts from Mrs Cheese - I sure do
This site has them all -Sqad, physician , myself ex lab rat at Porton Down and Mrs Cheese troll wearing the mask of reason