Burial over the years has changed a great deal. The well to do and those of importance in a community were usually buried in the church and the nearer to the altar they were buried the greater their importance. if you visit any Church built from the Normans onwards you will find gravestones within the old church, over time the Church became over buried and so the older graves were dug up and the remains removed to the area set aside for the purpose of burning them on a pyre to reduce the overcrowding in the church crypt. this is where bonfire came from (bonefire).
Graves dug outside the church walls increased but because of the feudal system where pigs could roam freely, the bodies were dig up and eaten by the domestic pig herds, and so over time it was established by trial and error that a pig would not jump into a grave dug 6ft deep and they instinctively knew they could not climb out of it. it was at around the same time that walls to graveyards were built to stop local herds starying onto the consecrated ground.