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Disabled People Award

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jennyjoan | 15:00 Fri 27th May 2022 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
If the above get DLA is that considered for the award


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You may find your answer here as I have never heard of the disabled people award - only the one that is given in the form of a trophy.
you can get a award for being disabled? Best wheelie? slowest dresser? most stuff dropped in 24 hrs? i could get an award for that?!?
Ohh bednobs I shouldn’t but that made me laugh
A wheelie in a wheelchair sounds like an olympic sport. You could get a gold medal.
Are you asking if folk in receipt of DLA can be considered for the award or whether DLA is affected by a financial reward?
the thing is, i'd be in with a shot for the last two!
Are you referring to yesterday's government announcement regarding extra help for fuel bills?

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Disabled People Award

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