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Britain's Got Talent

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Stargazer | 21:25 Mon 30th May 2022 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers
Seems rather dated and the judges all give a standing ovation at the end of each performance rather than for exceptional ones.


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Amanda and Aleisha wont miss an oppertunity to stand up and show off there legs
I’m a woose and was crying for those Downes kids to win
.... and Amanda showing off her botox ! lol
I think Simons had just as much botox as Amanda
Some say it's all botox.
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i am amazed this is still going.
I generally enjoy it although the selection of contestants aired is usually a mix of disabled children, children, elderly people and dogs.
What gets me irritated is the judging selection between the four of them. One will go straight away for the obvious best act. The second will dither and eventually go for the opposite. The third will always choose the act which makes Simon have the casting vote. Simon will then always put it to the public vote. Get rid of this farcical element of the show and go straight to the public vote and save the likes of me much, much anguish.
I cannot watch or listen to the cackling of Holden and Dixon. Yuk.
Far worse are the judges telling obviously mediocre acts that they are going to be big stars with huge careers ahead of them when they’re far more likely to be forgotten by the end of this series
Sick of the sob stories and dance troupes.

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