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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:25 Mon 13th Jun 2022 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
morning, Monday and the start of the working week for some, i hope that you are all in good health, and your day is a pleasant one, do you have anything planned for today? I have nothing in the calendar, but will see how the weather pans out, todays forecast for the capital is a high of 21c with partly sunny skies. Pretty much how it's been for days.


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morning Minty
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are you ok Minty?
Emmie - I did! Am stunned lol.
Morning Danny, Johnny, MM xx
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that's good smow, it nice to feel refreshed and relaxed after a decent nights sleep
am fine ta.. sunny dry but bit cool here least the Ark can go back into dock !!
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we haven't had any rain for a few days but it's been patchy, so no good for sitting out, i will see how the day develops and may go out later.
privet edges to be cut today..touch wood
I’ve got a physio app this afternoon
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are they coming to your home smow..
No, it’s not my private one but a hospital one. I want to see if they can adjust this back brace anyway so am going to go. Will have to either get a cab tho or try and figure out a bus route. Tho if there is much walking at end of bus then that’s ruled out too : (
hope you are feeling the benefits soon Smow xx
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sounds like hard work smow, i would get a cab, to hell with getting on a bus, that's too much.
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time to have a shower and get myself together, will see you all later perhaps, if not have a grand day, stay safe....
byee emmie xx have a good one xx
Bye Emmie xx
Agreed - can’t face the bus lol.

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Good Morning Early Birds

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