The ‘Royal’ Family: From killing children (princes in the tower) to take the crown, through the mental health issues of King George, marrying first cousins, hiding away aunts and cousins to the Queen in mental hospitals for years and years, the many and varied illegitimate children many given titles and land to keep them quiet. Prince Albert's well documented conquests and ultimate bouts of sexually transmitted disease, Queen Victoria’s affair with her Gilly, Edward abdicating with gold-digger and seriously thinking he had the right to take some of the UK’s wealth with him to France, Prince Philip and the Actress, Charles, Camilla, Princess Diane and the Officer, Surgeon and Muslim Prince. Andrew had done nothing more than what the lot of them have being doing for years. I would go to prison before I’d bow to any of them, they need sending off to the Country and get a head of state voted in by the Public.