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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:52 Tue 21st Jun 2022 | ChatterBank
51 Answers
morning, Tuesday already and the days are rolling on, i hope that you are all in good health and that your day is a pleasant one, do you have thing planned for today?

I have a food shop coming at 9 or so, but nothing afterwards. That may change of course if the weather is fair. The forecast for the capital is 23c with partly sunny skies. If it's anything like yesterday then it will be a nice day.


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I am lucky my patio is completely private for sitting in
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i can be seen on my balcony as there are blocks of flats on all sides, doesn't put me off sunbathing, that is when it does come out
time to run roon shower and pull some clothes on ! have a great day folks xx
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bye Minty, have a good day, hopefully it won't rain
Good morning all.
Yesterday the sun was splitting the trees. Today it's cloudy and cooler. I don't know which I prefer.
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morning SandyR
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i prefer the sun, clouds makes me feel a bit down
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i kept getting the error code 500, did anyone else?
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i am off for now, so i bid you adieu, stay well and stay safe.....
Yep, generic code when the AB server has a problem.

Have a good day all.
Good morning everyone. MrSmow away on business till Friday so I’m home alone x

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Good Morning Early Birds

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