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If An Mp Served Three Years In Parliament What...

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sandyRoe | 08:14 Thu 23rd Jun 2022 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
...size of a pension would he walk away with?


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'You have the option at retirement to apply to make one-off payment so your retirement benefits are not reduced.'

MP's can chose from Final Salary or CARE (career average revalued earnings).
what? foo ! You have decided to stand and already bought your porney laptop?

ready for the mega- asris-licker-and-sheep pay off !
The Final Salary Scheme (FSS) or CARE option depended on the MP's age on 1.4.2013.

Some had to remain in the FSS, some had the option to remain for a couple more year prior to joining the CARE scheme and the rest had to join the new scheme.
10:49 Thu, totally irrational.
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Politics is a rough old game. If you throw enough dirt at your opponent and his predecessor some will stick.
Though, judging by the polls, that hardly seems necessary in Wakefield.
Fiona Onasanya's successor wasn't judged by her actions - but she was a Labour MP.....
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Weren't her troubles grounded in motoring offences? That's very different from Mr Khan's.
She was jailed for perverting the course of justice - but one person's crime cannot possibly reflect upon the successor. It's a completely potty notion.
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Some years ago there was an MP called Iris Robinson. She presented herself as a paragon of virtue. When it came out that she was having an affair with a young man half her age she resigned from her seat in parliament.
Soon after, her husband who was leader of the DUP, was defeated in an election.
Pitch defiles.
//She was jailed for perverting the course of justice - but one person's crime cannot possibly reflect upon the successor. It's a completely potty notion.//

Problem is that this is politics. Given what recently came out in Rotherham some of the public will always tar predecessors with the same brush.
What chances would you give an ethnic Tory candidate in Wakefield today?
It’s a bit like the comparison being made over unions right now, most have them down as militant-miner types from the infamous strikes, or certainly seem to if these boards are anything to go by?
Lynch is far more savvy and engaging than Scargill ever was, hasn’t stopped the likes of Piers Morgan mis-labelling him.
// You have the option at retirement to apply to make one-off payment so your retirement benefits are not reduced.'//

every £1000 wiv tax relief goes to £1042 BUT you cant take that back - only 25% in your lump sum and the rest is a weekly supplement. This MAY be worf it (oops my essex wide boy accent creeping in) but THAT depends on how long you live. Clearly if you die within a year: it isnt.

I looked into this 2010 - and was told not to - - ( not an MP)
I was answering YMB.
//What difference does the character of a *former* MP make? It has to be a pretty dopey elector who allows that to influence his decision.//

10:49 Thu, totally irrational.

well fits in nicely with the rest of the er stuff on AB - - ter daah!

well I voted for Bliar in 1997 and wont do so again ( yeah vote for Blairey foo) that is vote for a successor after what B did.

Not that keen for Old Etonians as PM either

MacMillan ( old Con PM 1962 ) thought the conservatives had lost the election in 1964, because he had had a prostate op and the Public thought he was a voluptuary ( chased teenage girls). [ that is, he needed a prostate op because he was given to overusing his.... doodah]

Ironic, as it certainly wasnt with Dorothy ( MacMillan silly!) who was making it with Bob Boothby who in turn was making it with young men and such as the Kray twins ( both)

Sozza about that - all old men think of is sex and pensions
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I remember lord Boothby on a TV chat show with his pretty young Moroccan wife. At the time I wondered what she saw in him.
Money, I suppose.
Lord Boothby had a brief er resurrection or second coming late seventies on tv chat shows. I dont remember the gel

A meeting was set up by Boothby's gay lover Leslie Holt, cat burglar by profession and Ron Kray with the hope of persuading Boothby to invest in the Enugu .

Holt died in 1979, after a Harley Street doctor, Dr. Gordon Kells, administered a lethal and massive overdose of anesthetic ...

Boothby was on tv over Holts death see above. Holt was a friend of the Krays, and a cat-burglar. Holt had the unpleasant habit of sleeping with his later victims ( men) and then going back and burgling.

Boothby had done Holt and Holt had done Boothhby
and then
Holt had a fear of dentists, and so the Harley st Dentist said 'Oh never mind, I will give an anaesthetic AND do your teeth at the same time
Holt died
and kells was indicted for gross negligence manslaughter

Boothby described Holt on tee-vee as a 'chirpy cockney sparra.!' one way to describe a dead lover who had burgled you I suppose

sozza sex again

No wonder the straight laced sensible tweeds of AB shudder when I post
uncontrollable or excessive sexual desire in a man.

havent heard that word for 60y

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