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How Many Adults Would Still Have A Record Of Their Polio Vaccination Status?

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sandyRoe | 18:12 Wed 22nd Jun 2022 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Most of us would have been vaccinated when we were children.


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I was vaccinated as a child in the 1950s, and never had any "record" as far as I know.

Why is this being raised, have I missed something ?
Thanks for the enlightenment jno - the thread falls into place now :-)
No idea but I guess the vaccine wears off after 70 years & polio is probably only a serious problem in youngsters?
Sugar lump here too, btw the one that leaves a scar is the BCG one for TB
I had the injection whilst at St Patricks' in Collyhurst. If the school records still exist, I expect it's in them.

Four or five years later, a young girl from our neighbourhood caught polio, allegedly after wading in a local pond.
2nd photo down, 10cs - you might be on there!
//Sugar lump here too, btw the one that leaves a scar is the BCG one for TB//

I think it's smallpox jab that leaves a scar - I've not had it & have no scar, but I have had the TB/BCG.
I've just found my 'Certificate of Inoculation' in the cigar box containing birth certificates, old passports, etc. Phew, I'm all right then!
//My problem is my VD record//
The struggle is real.
Who else owns a Val Doonican record??
Thank you Zacs @10.03. I don't think I'm in there. That looks like a service without children. The first photo is a very modern one. There wasn't any greenery for miles around! It was definitely a concrete jungle!

Looking at the history, I noticed reference to a Rev Laurence Cassidy. His son became head of St Patricks' Boys School, after being a pupil there, and was the head when I was there. I have a school photo of him with my uncle, taken in 1933, when the boys won the Manchester & District Under 11's championship. I went to see him many years ago with the photo but he was a right old grump and said he'd seen enough photos to last him a lifetime. Still the same old head then!
Moan about it all you like, some may have a little scar, or reaction with your sugar cube dose. It is certainly better than having Polio, caught mine in the 1947/1948 outbreak.
It breaks my heart when I see the GPs/nurses stabbing so little ones. Why cant they be given the sugar lumps.

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