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Would You Really Need A Suitcase To Carry A...

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sandyRoe | 15:06 Sun 26th Jun 2022 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
...million in €uros? Surely a briefcase would be big enough to carry 2000 five hundred Euro notes.


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The reports claim a million euros were handed over in cash on three occasions but there is no suggestion the payments were illegal.

is this related to some news story?
Yes it is and it would be better off in News.
Once again the Media is trying to create an issue out of an old news story. The money was donated between 2011 and 2015.
wonder where it originally came from - hm.
Surely handing over cash personally does 2 things. It hides any electronic or paper trail of the origins of the money. Something you would do if you don’t want third parties to know. Secondly, it affirms that the gift is a personal gesture from one man to another, not a a governmental or company donation.
Hard graft, I expect, dave.
some sort of graft I expect
It makes the statement that it's small change to the donor ...
i don't know how the notes compare size for size or weight for weight, but a similar number of £50s was the asking price for a pub in Yorkshire in 1979; that just fitted in the suitcase the purchaser was carrying. I (along with 20 or 30 other regulars) watched it being handed over.
The person donating the money is one of the richest in the world ,worth billions, so 3 million would be peanuts to him.
"a similar number of £50s was the asking price for a pub in Yorkshire in 1979"

Since fifty-pound notes were introduced only in 2011 and two thousand
of them comes to £100,000, do you mean fivers?
much older than that, surely, TCL?
yes, Wiki says 1725, though there was a hiatus between 1945 and 1981.
// do you mean fivers? //

no, it was definitely £50s. which means my memory was a bit defective and the pub sale took place later than I'd remembered. it never occurred to me we'd already lived through 2 years of Thatcherism by that time...
This is all very jolly, if true. If it is true ,why did his ( never to be king) Charlie take the money ?
Name the charity with a receipt .
Would have been paid over in used fives and tens. Five Hundreds are a bit too easy to trace back.
Yes you would, sandy. But £1m in £50 notes would need a suitcase with a strong handle!

Imagine 4 times what this chap is holding:
JNO, you are correct, the modern notes were re-introduced in 1981 but I was sure I seen a link saying it was 2011.

I can only put it down to the serious side-effects from a paper-cut...
500 EUR notes were very difficult to use. Shops and bars wouldnt take them. I know I tried!

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