Imagine the confused conversation between friends of mine (man and wife) when she reminded him that they were going to see Billy Joel and he heard it as 'Village Hall'. Went on for some minutes, apparently. She does have a strong Burnley accent to be fair.
ZM's post reminds me that my mother spent her childhood believing that the King was fond of plums because it clearly said so in the National Anthem. ("Send him Victorias . . . ")
Thanks, Chris. I'll add those to the "before you use the shower" questions we've spent a good few minutes making up and amusing ourselves with.
I can hear that, Zacs. :-)
My two Scottish aunties many years ago.
Aunt Jean. Jessie, when you're in town bring some more of these threads.
Aunt Jessie. But it's not Easter, Jean, and why do you want Easter Eggs anyway?