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Oysters and arousal

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luckyeight | 01:17 Mon 25th Sep 2006 | Food & Drink
6 Answers
What foods turn you on? Oysters are renowned as an aphrodisiac, but do you agree?


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If swallowing a phlegm-like substance floats your boat, hell - why not!
They've never 'done it' for me. I don't think any food is an aphrodisiac.
avocados, cherries, creamy pasta dishes
I can't say that any aphrodisiac has made me feel particularly sexy, but messy foods like honey, ice cream and chocolate desserts make me feel sexy because I think about what I would like to do with them (besides eating it of course).
as lilly savage once said 'it's like eating snot out of an ashtray'.

Hence the reason I have never tried one ewwwwwwww
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Controversially I find oysters incredibly arousing. Also other seafoods - I actually get a physical, tingling sensation - a bit like when someone nibbles my ears - which also arouses me! The reason I ask is that no one has ever agreed, even tho they are traditionally known as an aphrodisiac. Strange huh?

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Oysters and arousal

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