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If I Ever Get Married . . .

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Buenchico | 20:03 Sun 24th Jul 2022 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
. . . (which, I admit isn't very likely), I'm DEFINITELY going to invite these dancers to the wedding party!

It's pure Desi and it's pure Bollywood . . . but it's from Norway ;-)




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Love it,!
That's fantastic, Chris. As I'm already taken but don't want to miss this can I be a bridesmaid?
Great stuff, I'll be your best man Chris ( don't be expecting any of those shapes from me though, might spill my beer ) ;-)
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Thanks, Patsy!

I thought that you'd like this video, Gness. If you're going to be a bridesmaid though, you'll need to put on a display of Irish dancing that will show these guys up ;-)
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I thought that one of the duties of a best man is meant to be to keep the groom sober, Tony, (while not getting too pished himself, of course). Are you sure that you're up to the job?
Mmmmm, not to sure about that, Chris. I'll have to have a think about it ;-)
I can do you a reel, Chris but I need a partner for the two hand up for it?
I was very impressed by the Duke of Sussex - wouldn't have believed it possible :-)
I meant wonderful
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>>> I need a partner for the two hand jig

The two hands are no problem for me but my three left feet might be ;-)

Thanks, Haras2. Duke of Sussex? I think that one would need to be the Duke of Srinagar to dance like that ;-)
Brilliant...I'm out of breath just watching that. Such fun :)
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Thanks, Pasta :)
I liked it very well choreographed and fun too.
Ahhhh....Arky's around....a three hand reel in that case.

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Thanks, Arky. It must have taken many, many hours of rehearsal to get the performance that good!
I wouldn't rule anything out with you, Chris!
I'm sure you could join in with this routine at any wedding and be a total star!
Great video :)
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Thanks, Karamia.

I think that I'll have to lose a little weight (OK, a lot of weight!) first though ;-)

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