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The Boris

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Paigntonian | 11:18 Thu 28th Jul 2022 | News
51 Answers
Another great speech at the opening of the Commonwealth Games. He's not down and out just yet..


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He’s great at speeches as we know. That’s why he’s popular in Ukraine for example. If only that was all there was to it
11:28 Thu 28th Jul 2022
Bet you get no respite.
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Corbyloon: Watch the news.
Was he hanging from a zip wire with his little union in his hands, when he made this speech.
// Another great speech //

It was very playground.
“We’ve got more medals than you two, narny narny nah,”
Is 'ranting' your favourite insult, Naomi? Perhaps this time you can explain in what way Fatticus was ranting.

Who are you to demand answers, JDavis? His mother?
Thought you'd be unable to back it up, Naomi.
J David,
She never is, but you already know that from this thread and the Trump one from Khandro.
A fawning devotion to both blonde, narcissistic liars is about the sum of her contribution, they do no wrong in her eyes and are bastions of truth and honour.
She has my sympathy.

Btw, I can confirm that you’re not my mother, she passed away 12 years ago.
*JDavis, my apologies.
JDavis, I don't have to back it up. His posts speak for themselves.
Cheers, Fatticus. Don't think she knows what 'ranting' means anyway.

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