Quizzes & Puzzles11 mins ago
Was this story ever reported in the UK main stream press – I don’t recall seeing it (even in Private Eye)?
I don’t think the UK or US authorities will come out smelling of roses once the Assange affair concludes.
https:/ /parsto day.com /en/new s/world -i17586 8-spani sh_cour t_summo ns_mike _pompeo _in_ass ange_as sassina tion_pl ot
https:/ /www.th edailyb east.co m/spani sh-cour t-deman ds-mike -pompeo -testif y-on-ap parent- plot-to -kidnap -or-kil l-wikil eaks-fo under-j ulian-a ssange
I don’t think the UK or US authorities will come out smelling of roses once the Assange affair concludes.
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.The Guardian, September last year:
https:/ /www.th eguardi an.com/ media/2 021/sep /27/sen ior-cia -offici als-tru mp-disc ussed-a ssassin ating-j ulian-a ssange
The Telegraph, June of this year. (Pay wall):
https:/ /www.te legraph .co.uk/ world-n ews/202 2/06/20 /mike-p ompeo-s ummoned -testif y-claim s-us-pl otted-a ssassin ate-jul ian/
The Telegraph, June of this year. (Pay wall):
you knew I wd do this
https:/ /www.el pais.cr /2021/0 9/26/re velan-q ue-la-c ia-plan eo-secu estrar- y-asesi nar-a-a ssange- en-lond res/
La Agencia Central de Inteligencia (CIA) de Estados Unidos planeó secuestrar al fundador de WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, en la embajada de Ecuador en Londres en 2017, e incluso asesinarlo, reveló hoy el portal digital Yahoo News.
zad eez - - thad eeth I suppose as the Thpanith lithp a lot
CIA planned to seize assange in the Ecuador embassy including killing heem, Yahoo News revealed
(honestly in the thread about learning Spanish, you pick up a paper and read it)
notice elpais.cr handle - - that must be el pais incredeeeeeeebile!
La Agencia Central de Inteligencia (CIA) de Estados Unidos planeó secuestrar al fundador de WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, en la embajada de Ecuador en Londres en 2017, e incluso asesinarlo, reveló hoy el portal digital Yahoo News.
zad eez - - thad eeth I suppose as the Thpanith lithp a lot
CIA planned to seize assange in the Ecuador embassy including killing heem, Yahoo News revealed
(honestly in the thread about learning Spanish, you pick up a paper and read it)
notice elpais.cr handle - - that must be el pais incredeeeeeeebile!
I believe that all governments around the world have a responsibility to protect not only their own citizens, but also persons living within their jurisdiction.
If I were Home Secretary and a foreign country wanted the UK extradite a person living within the UK, and it came to light that that foreign country had made plans to assassinate the person – that would give me great cause for concern that the person’s life would be at risk should they be extradited.
Given that the UK government has form in the area of extraditing people who are then murdered by a foreign government, should make the Home Secretary think twice.
Should Mike Pompeo refuse the Spanish high court’s request to testify in this matter (after all, if there were no such plans what has he to hide?), then Assange would not be extradited.
Of course I’m in a minority of one (posting on this website) as others believe it perfectly acceptable for governments around the world to be engaged in criminal activity, including murder.
If I were Home Secretary and a foreign country wanted the UK extradite a person living within the UK, and it came to light that that foreign country had made plans to assassinate the person – that would give me great cause for concern that the person’s life would be at risk should they be extradited.
Given that the UK government has form in the area of extraditing people who are then murdered by a foreign government, should make the Home Secretary think twice.
Should Mike Pompeo refuse the Spanish high court’s request to testify in this matter (after all, if there were no such plans what has he to hide?), then Assange would not be extradited.
Of course I’m in a minority of one (posting on this website) as others believe it perfectly acceptable for governments around the world to be engaged in criminal activity, including murder.