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Good Morning Early Birds

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emmie | 04:25 Wed 03rd Aug 2022 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
morning, Wednesday midweek already, I hope that you are all in good health, and that your day is a pleasant one. Do you have anything planned for today? I have a food shop coming at 9am so there is that to sort out, but nothing after. The forecast for the capital is a warm 28c but mostly cloudy, bit like yesterday, which was quite changeable.


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morning all xx
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morning Minty
going out to visit a friend of OH this morning..he is a widower and is becoming a bit reclusive so our mission is to get him oot 'n' aboot again !
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good for you Minty....
he was talking of buying a Jack Russel Puppy.. I am trying to get him to rescue an older wee dog that will not be so bouncy or needy other than walkies and food... so perhaps a trip to the cat and dog home very soon.. a small but an already house trained dog looking for a new home I think will be more manageable for him..
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how old is he, as that will be crucial on taking on a puppy, perhaps a rescue dog would be ideal.
he is 72 so I think a puppy would not really be suited..although an ex fire fighter and still very fit..he needs a companion though.. not a naughty wee boy ! lol
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going to run roon shower..have a great day xx
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you too Minty, bye for now
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time to go too, get ready for the grocery delivery. have a good day all, bye for now.
Morning, it’s my happy Wednesday , enjoy yours

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