I bought a few memory sticks, put a load of music on them, but they won’t play in my car. A friend told me I needed to format the memory sticks. Is that true? If so, can it be done now ve put music on them? How do you format memory sticks? A simple guide would be appreciated for the technophobe that I am
How did you put the music onto the memory stick? You need to have the music in MP3 format and just copy it directly to the memory stick. Do not create it as a music file; that is for CDs
What format is the music? Put the memory stick in to your pc, right click on a track and select 'properties'. I suspect that the music is Windows Media Player own format, .wma and not .mp3 and your car can't play them.
What version of Windows are you using? Where did the music originate from - did you rip CDs, download them, or something else?
How many tracks do you want to convert?
The free version is a cut-down version of the full program. I've been using it for years to edit music (remove applause, alter volume etc) and change the bit-rate of MP3s etc. It does everything I want.