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Saga Cryptic

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pega | 13:33 Tue 16th Aug 2022 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
17d Delilah has interim worker cut some hair 5 ??e?s
9a lament Alsatians way 3 ??e
16a Backing Glaswegian to scoff 3 e??
20a Mug clamped in the hollow metal plate 5 t????
14d Watery grave in which I must disappear 6 is it SEROUS
Many Thanks for helping me


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17 Tress, some hair (from Temptress, Delilah)
9 Rue, lament - and the French/Alsatian /from Alsace word for street,way etc.
14 Yes, Serous, watery - from Serious, grave, with the I removed (i must disappear).
16 Eat, scoff, reversed it's Tae, Glaswegian, Scottish for 'to'.
20a t ass e
tasse is a metal plate in a suit of armour

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