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The Mgm Lion

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sandyRoe | 21:24 Wed 24th Aug 2022 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
At the start of MGM films there used to be a lion that roared. Anyone know it's name?


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the first one was Slats, but others followed. J Arthur Rank's gong man changed too
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Rank's man was once a boxer, a bombardier. I forget his name.
Billy Wells
Bombardier Billy Wells.
naomi although I respect your opinion, it is not straightforward in the wider picture.
Watching other people perform is a well known fanatasy/pervertion which is not uncommon called Voyeurism......well known and well documented.
Ooops! wrong thread.

Sounds more interesting than a long dead lion.
I did that Sqad the other night
but it as in Latin so no one noticed

did I ever tell yoou that Michael Reilly inventor of Reilly Colomyotomy for diverticulosis, used to write his consults in Latin?

To some of us even the English version looks Latin. Plus ca change.
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What thread was that? There's nothing prurient or voyeuristic in my asking, just idle curiosity. :-))
sadly i very much doubt if naomi supplied any voyeoristic links . . .

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The Mgm Lion

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