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Encouraging Card Payments

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Canary42 | 17:50 Mon 15th Aug 2022 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Since Covid I've become almost exclusively a Card payer.

When I paid for my newspaper by card this morning at WHS, I got a special offer on the receipt stating that anyone paying by MasterCard at WHS between 15th August and 11th September would generate a meal for a child through the World Food Programme. What a nice idea, so why would I bother with cash.


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//I was paid recently with a cheque, the runaround i had to do to cash it or have it endorsed to spend it was not worth the wait I had for it (Money won in competition)

Why didn't you just pay it into your bank account ?
Baz, bank closed here so post office banking, Post office wanted me to use a lodgement book, I only ever lodge cash, my lodgement book, I was informed by post mistress - too old, she wanted one with barcode and QR code so her little machine could read my bank details, so, I had to lodge it into my post office savings, I still don't have the daft thing :( She suggested I order new lodgement book, it not likely i be winning on the crosswords that much I think, funny thing though Baz, when I got home my neighbor asked why I didn't go into the butcher!! he cashes cheques for anyone - who'd have guessed?? not me :)
Ok :-)
You did ask ;-) ha ha
//I was paid recently with a cheque, the runaround i had to do to cash it or have it endorsed to spend it was not worth the wait I had for it//

I have the HSBC app on my phone and can deposit cheques simply by sending them a photograph.
I know someone who has a shop and when she takes cash payments, they go into a cardboard box. No tax paid.

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