Isn't it amazing how disparaging people get when something goes wrong with a new ship. Nobody says a word when motor manufactures recall thousands of cars to repair a fault. How many parts in a car compared with an aircraft carrier?
The Americans are considered the leading experts on designing and building aircraft carriers yet even they are still having problems with the carrier Gerald R Ford, in service since 2017.
It's not just a bloomin' ship - what about the troop carriers in Afghanistan that couldn't withstand a strong fart & the new ones being produced that shake rattle & roll the occupants until their teeth fall out. MoD is a paragon of incompetence.
Thanks for your post vulcan42. Interesting point you make. When the manufactures recall cars to correct a fault. Normally they only respond after years of arm twisting by the powers that be.
They seemed to have planted a fault not to long ago in an effort to pull the wool over customers.
Just a reminder, the device that gave a false reading of low emissions. Money comes first, peoples health again way down the list.
a drone wouldn't get anywhere near it,
look up on its defences (that's public)and at any one time it has fighter jets in the air supporting it