These days, when it comes to boundaries with neighbours etc, is it generally accepted that they walk across your drive etc. Or is it seen as ‘rude’/ unacceptable?
I have attached the below picture- the path and drive in front of the house is classed as my lane.
I want to ask 2 things
1. I wanted to put a fence up along the path but the neighbour didn’t want this as they would struggle to get out of their car. So I didn’t bother fencing it off however after having my car stolen last week I am re considering. Would you say that it would be unfair to the neighbours?
2. My neighbours tend to use my path and drive a lot for their child to play on as shown in the pic. They also put stuff in my bin. Although it causes no harm my family are telling me that I should tell them offand that I’m being a push over etc
The thing is I am wondering is it just modern living ie is it generally accepted to walk on each other’s paths/drives etc.. In this case I would be ridiculous for making a deal of it. Then you get the other school of thought who insist on their boundaries and that no one should step foot on their property.
This is only a first world problem I know but I just thought some opinions would be interesting
These are my neighbours on my drive, sorry about their blue faces