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King Steve ?

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Canary42 | 23:26 Sat 10th Sep 2022 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I read that Australians want Steve Irwin's head portrayed on their new coinage, not King Chsrles II.

Must be April 1st.



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They're a comical bunch, those Antipodeans.
he's already on the S Tome e Principe stamps.

Their choice; Brits would probably vote for Boaty McBoatface if asked.
Well I don’t …but then nobody has asked me …yet !!
Why not, and his environmental credentials would probably get the nod from his majesty. He could go on the tail side as a compromise
Steve Irwin didn't do well with tails, rowanwitch.
Apparently he was wearing Ray-Bans when he was nailed....
People who poke creatures with a stick to make them react are/ were asking for trouble. I expect word got around in the animal kingdom!
Let sleeping stingrays lie.
Some Australians, Canary.
//People who poke creatures with a stick to make them react are/ were asking for trouble. I expect word got around in the animal kingdom!//

Who then passed it on to the aquatic kingdom

An example of inter species cooperation , no doubt
Charles II would have been an unexpected choice.

Maybe Steve can bring a ray of sunshine to the country.
I dont like this
Steve Irwin who he? - who he den sozza

why stamps and not Giro cheques
Chrsles - no folks I am sure King Chuck knows who to spell his name,
suddenly realised that Charles I lost his head - apparently
And Charles 2 was a dissolute rake, by all accounts.
Ah, that explains the hoe then.

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King Steve ?

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