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Simple Silly Question..........

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MissTerious | 18:50 Sun 11th Sep 2022 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
Brought about by a Harry/Meaghan thread.........

Since we drifted into becoming an item we've never walked about hand in hand, arm in arm or arms around each other apart from these days when I forget to take a stick.

We have been an item for over 50 years.

Our son and wife always walk in hand.

Never really thought about it before,,..?

Are we strange.


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I was at a wedding at a church in west of Ireland many years ago. My friend's son was constantly being caressed by his wife around his back and shoulders in the middle and through of the whole of the wedding.

I couldn't believe it - she went on and on and on. It is an absolute control feature - "you're mine and nobody else's". Young son has now deceased.
Wow! Didn't know you could die from being 'over-caressed'?
ken he died from something else but think the over caressing added to it emotionally

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