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24 Hour Queues

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naomi24 | 19:28 Fri 16th Sep 2022 | ChatterBank
26 Answers
Did I hear the BBC right? I’m sure they said the wait to pay respects to the queen is now 24 hours.

The question is would you? I wouldn’t.


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Barsel, he is one of many such men (and women) but I don't think the state of being stupid is an arrestable offence...
Cheers, JNO, I wondered if something had happened as I read the other day that they did the same thing after one of the Royal Archers fainted.

I wonder if any of the soldiers or Yeomen reacted to the attempt?

I was wondering who the ones with white plumage in their helmets were and they are His Majesty's Body Guard of the
Honourable Corps of Gentlemen at Arms.
'I wonder if any of the soldiers or Yeomen reacted to the attempt?'

They never acted fast enough if he manged to pull back the royal standard flag covering the coffin.
I wasn't sure if they are there only as, "ceremonial" guards as opposed to actual guards.

I read that the man was arrested under the Public Order Act. Whether he ends up being charged is another matter.
No I wouldn’t.
i couldn't anyway, knees too bad now to stand for long, but were i fit and a lot younger i think i would go to pay my respects.

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