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When The Then Prince Charles Was A Young Man...

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sandyRoe | 20:20 Sun 18th Sep 2022 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
...he had a close brush with death. While on a skiing holiday the group he was with were caught up in an avalanche. One of his companions, an army major I think, was killed.
If Prince Charles had suffered the same fate would Andrew now be our new king?
The young prince had s lucky escape, as did we all.


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yes, I suppose so, Anne was not then permitted in line so Andrew was the next male standing.
Bit harsh sandy, as I don't know what sort of king Andrew would have made as I do not know how King Charles 3 will turn out.
Andrew lied, politicians lie, other members of the Royal family have lied as has 99.9% of the population.
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Sqad, you may well be right. People sometimes grow to fill the office they've found themselves in.
;-) very true sandy.
One must remember that Andrew did nothing illegal! Bad judgment perhaps, trusting the wrong people - definitely.
I suspect had Charles perished the Andrew would not have been so cosseted and spoiled, in short forced to take responsibility for any actions.
Oh please, spare me the rose-tinted version of a lecherous rake with an ego problem.

You don't pay 12 mil to somebody you never met for something you never did.

Bill Gates he ain't.
I didn’t say he hadn’t done anything!
So please spare me the patronising speech
Apologies, I hadn't read the terms and conditions for replying to special folk.

Consider me chastened and having a good, long think.
douglas....of course he did it, the whole world knows that but would that have made him a bad king?

British kings have a history of lechery...Henry1 liked to put it about a bit as did Henry V111.
Edward V11 was no slouch either with the women -;)
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And Henry 4 ditched his drinking and whoring pal, Falstaff, when he came to the throne.
And am I allowed to say that Prince Philip had his moments?
LOl ellie...he doesn't count as for this thread one has to be a "lecherous rake with an ego problem" and potential successor to the throne.

Prince Philip was never a potential successor to thr throne ;-)
The flexibility of attitude in royalists never fails to amaze/amuse.

> If Prince Charles had suffered the same fate would Andrew now be our new king?

The accident took place in 1988 so William and Harry had both been born. William would now be King, and Diana may well still be alive although her life and status would have been interesting!

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