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Is Love Over For Me?

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richard10012 | 23:04 Sun 18th Sep 2022 | Family & Relationships
14 Answers
I am 35 years old, never had a date. I tried various dating apps, never get any matches. Is dating over for me?


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it is if you stop looking. But my sister didn't marry till she was in her 50s, so there's still hope.
Forget dating apps. You really need to get out and meet people in person. Can you go out with mates, people from work? Join clubs, gym etc. Do night school courses (do they still exist? ).
Nah at 35 isn't that old, I'm quite romantic at heart so do believe there's someone for everyone... keep an eye out I'm sure there's a dim witted desperate blind moose just looking for someone like you.
Dating apps are the worst. If you're too shy to go out and meet people, then use chatrooms. Find people who have similar interests to you and just chat. If things are meant to happen, they'll happen.
No, relax and don't worry. Pasta has the right idea.
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It’s not over if it’s never started. You may meet someone when you least expect it. Good luck.
You just need to get out there and make an effort. Difficult I know when you've hit a level of despair but things are far less likely to happen if you don't try for them. Take a deep breath, join social situations, and talk to many you don't yet know until you find a reciprocated attraction.
Our oldest best friend was in his 60s when he had his first date. They are now a very happy couple. She was a divorced lady in her vorties-.and he how gained two sons and a grandchild. Met through the church. He was a headmaster for many years and also did a lot of travelling. He never looked for a partner!
There is someone for everyone somewhere. If you don't like clubs or social gatherings,here are some ideas: go out for a walk amongst nature, a park, and take a camera to capture the flora and fauna, or just join a walking group. You will always meet someone with the same interest. Do you have a dog as many people meet their ideal person when walking their dog. Do you get to meet people at work. A friend of mine worked in a shop when her future husband came in to buy something. There was instant attachment. Go to a concert that has your kind of music or take a short coach trip somewhere. I bet you will be surprised how many contacts you make. Good luck !
Go down to the pub - seems to be where a lot of couples
have met up.
or go to dance classes ? ballroom or Latin especially
pasta 's advice is good
Yeah evg classes nbegin in a week or two

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